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제목 Anti Aging
글쓴이 Sheila lee 답변여부 ´äº¯¿Ï·á
구분 0 등록일 2018-02-08 07:46:55
첨부 조회수 1599
Hi, I've been to your clinic a couple of times already. I'm Korean, and speak Korean well, but my writing is better in English, thus I'm wring to you in English. I was previously there and had endotine and brow lift by an incision under the eye brow. I'm planning to go to Korea in early June for some anti aging procedures. I've already tried thread lifting and those have not worked that well for me. My main concern is that my jaw area has loose skin, so I don't have a clean V-Line, and also I've lost fat on my eyelids, so my eye are sunken and look older. What procedures do you suggest, and how much am I looking to have to spend?

답변 >
Hi, this is JJ Hospital Thanks for your message. As you said, if the thread lifting was not effective to you then we will suggest the incisional face lifting. It can help you have a clean V-line and you can find more information from our English Homepage such as recovery time, operation method or lasting period etc. The other question that you asked about your sunken eyelids, then we recommend the fat injection and it will be the best way to do your case. For the price, after coming and having a consultation with doctor, we will tell you a correct one :) Here is the address of our English Homepage: http://english.hongjinjoo.com/08_youth/youth04_02.html Have a good day.

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JJ 홍진주성형외과에서는 환자분의 상담을 위해 아래와 같은 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.

ο 수집항목 : 이름, 연락처, 문의사항, 서비스 이용기록 , 접속 로그 , 쿠키 , 접속 IP 정보

ο 개인정보 수집방법 : 상담 신청 폼 작성을 통한 개인정보수집

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보존 항목 : 환자 온라인 상담자료
보존 근거 : 병원내부방침
보존 기간 : 회원탈퇴시까지
